Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I am taking developmental psychology this semester. During our introduction to developmental psych, our professor got going on the history of how children have been treated in the past. She began discussing ancient Greece when children were considered property. She was talking on the pretense that we have come so much further and are far more enlightened and decent to our children. She told us about a common practice called infanticide, aka killing babies. She got incredibly upset and said, "this practice of killing babies was especially common if they were illegitimate, sick or you just didn't want them!" Her indignation at such an atrocity is understandable. Most people would be offended and upset at the murdering of babies. Especially if it is simply because you don't want the child! Who does that?! Who murders innocent children simply because it's inconvenient to have them?! Who would be so monstrous?!

We would.

It's amazing that if you walked up to a new mother and her week old baby and shot it, you'd be condemned and determined to be a monster. Yet, we are all for the woman's "choice" to murder her baby, simply because it's in the womb and not a warmer-bed. We (as Americans and humans) would be so appalled that someone could hurt an innocent baby unable to defend itself, totally dependent on its mother. So how then can we say that a baby completely dependent on the placenta and mother is any different?! I've heard, 'oh well, it's part of the mother so it's her choice, it's her body.' ARE YOU NUTS!? A child in the womb is NOT a part of the mother's body. It has its own unique genetic makeup that no other creature has. It is GOD's! A baby is no less dependent on the mother AFTER birth for many many weeks, months, even years. Another one I've heard, 'Well, it's just tissue in the mother.' What do people think that adults are?! We're tissue! We are also just big balls of tissue!!!Or, 'It doesn't have the necessary brain function to qualify as a human' (Apparently neither do you!) or 'It can't breathe on its own, it's not a person'. If I were in a car accident and left brain dead, I would not have the brain function or breathing ability to qualify as a "person" based on those definitions. However, the issue of just killing me or not would not be an easy decision. I would be completely dependent on my family (someone's gotta pay for my care). I would not survive on my own, and I would have no brain function. Yet (as with Terri Shiavo) many of those who are "pro-choice" would fight tooth and nail to keep them from pulling the plug. Why?! Because I'm a person. Yet I would fail to fit the qualifications that many people use to argue against embryos and fetuses being human!

Now, Pro-abortion Christians, I am talking specifically to you. How DARE you claim the name of Christ and yet say you can support the murdering of children. The Bible is clear on the issue, we are people in the womb. Luke 1:39-45 says that the "BABY leapt in the womb" when Mary and Elizabeth met. Psalm 139: 13-14, "For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well." Other translations say 'knit me together in my mother's womb'. And there are other verses like these. If God made me in the womb, and knew me before I was conceived, how could I say I'm not a person in the womb?!

I ask you this, was Jesus still God in the womb? Was Jesus still a person in the womb? Think carefully about the answer, because it's important.

We need to stop the murder of our children. It is NOT a choice, it is infanticide. It is baby murder!

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